Created & Performed by Anastacia Narrajos & Alex Benito Rodriguez

Original Music: Cooper Forsman
Video Editing: Alex Benito Rodriguez
Costumes: Myron Elliott-Cisneros
Crew and Movement Support: Nigel Brown, Mac Dowd-Whipple, Katie Mazzini
Administrative Support: Thom Pasculli
Filmed in Chicago at LaBagh Woods (Forest Preserves of Cook County) and Grant Park (Agora sculptures by Magdalena Abakanowicz)

As we made this video I thought a lot about nature and the human need for permanence. We erect monuments in defiance of nature, we think if we can cast ourselves in iron and stone our ideas and legacies won’t go the way of those who came before us. But no matter the size of the idea or its sculpted container, time slowly erodes what was thought to be the way things are to make room for a new movement. Statues don’t move — they stay stuck in the past and so do the people who protect the stories they tell themselves to justify ‘business as usual’. You can’t prevent nature from doing what she does best. Lichen will mask the faces of their “heroes” and birds will shit at their feet.
— Alex Benito Rodriguez