Directed by Jesse Morgan Young
Created by Alex Grelle and Jesse Morgan Young

Starring Alex Grelle
Adrian Hadlock, Teressa LaGamba, Robin Lee, Aileen May, Sarah Ellen Miller, Bran Moorhead and Andrew Sa. Music performed by David Curtin, Nolan Chin, Liam Kazar, Bailey Minzenberger, Julian Stacey and Justin Vittori.

Performances February 9 - March 5 2023
Thurs - Sat 9:00pm
and Sun 7:00pm
at the Chopin Theater
Ticket price: $20-$35

Co-produced with WENDER Collective and inspired by the sound and vision of David Bowie, Floor Show brings a company of unparalleled Chicago talent together for a can’t-miss event.

“...a completely original, electric night of music, fashion, laughter, art, and many, many wigs celebrating the spirit of transformation…” - Brianna Wellen, Chicago Reader